Briscoe County Land for Sale* Quarter Section 3 Wells*Tailwater Pit*Barn Tract 1

Legal Description: : Abstract 1120, Section 44, Block B-2, JW Carr, SW/4, 159 acres, more or less, Briscoe County Texas.

Description: : This quarter section of irrigated farmland is in the southwest quadrant of Briscoe County Texas. Excellent access is provided by Farm to Market Road 145 on the south boundary. County Road 3 is the west boundary. This quarter section is just ½-1 mile west of FM 378 on FM 145. (Claytonville Highway) There are 3 irrigation wells that produce a total of approximately 200 gallons of water per minute. A quarter mile pivot sprinkler system (2001 Zimmatic, 7 tower, Growsmart Field Vision Control) is located on the land but owned by the Tenant. The irrigation well pumps are owned by the landowner. There is a Playa Lake bottom in the northwest corner. Underground tile and electricity are available here. If someone wanted to install a tail water pump and filter, the water could be pumped into the pivot. A Quonset barn is in the southeast corner that conveys with the property. The house and small acres are not part of the farm and owned by another party. This is a very nice quarter section of farmland. View FSA maps and base/yield information on my website at
Call Johnny Street at 806-847-7400 for more information. There are no Seller reservations.

Price: $262,350.00

Note: : The items owned by Tenant may be purchased separately. More information on separate prices for these items owned by the tenant will be available soon. The tenant would be interested in continuing to farm this property for an investor.